[THE LATEST] Gobble 'till you wobble 🦃 - EMEL


Thursday, November 26, 2020

[THE LATEST] Gobble 'till you wobble 🦃

5 holiday video marketing trends and lessons you can't ignore, 23 eye-opening inclusive marketing statistics that prove its power in 2021, and what we're thankful for as content nerds ...this is THE LATEST!

🦃 Gobble, gobble! Wobble all about it! 

🦃 Right now you can get tickets to our final virtual event of 2020, a two-day video spectacular called Video Sales & Marketing World. Get your tickets for just $45 using the code STOVETOP!

Here in the United States, it's the annual poultry-based eating-and-football endurance test we all lovingly call Thanksgiving — so, to those of you who celebrate, I hope you're having a safe and wonderful holiday! 

(And if you're a Detroit Lions fan... I'm sorry. As a Washington fan, I relate.)

Although I'm more of a Christmas gal myself — I may have put up my tree two weeks ago — I've been counting down the days to turkey day this year, just so I could finally break this bad boy out:

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If you don't know why, "As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly," is one of the most iconic lines ever uttered in a sitcom, you need to educate yourself. (Fun fact, it's available to watch on Amazon Prime for $1.99.)

Anyway, I threw on that festive little number for an unexpected trail hike in New Haven today:

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If you were a subscriber of THE LATEST back at the start of this year, you know that when the pandemic first hit, I spent hours and hours and hours every single week walking these trails. 

They started as a fun cure for my cabin fever filled with fresh air and natural beauty — oh, and they also helped offset my increased quarantine cheese intake.

But within a few months, those hikes became soul-crushing reminders of my isolation after having moved to a new place following a divorce, as well as my distinct lack of any real options for human contact. 

So, I stopped going.

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Today was the first time I had been back on these trails in at least six months. Much to my surprise, I found myself feeling overwhelmed with positivity and gratitude for this little loop in East Rock Park.

I even shimmied across one of the bridges while jamming out to "Another Rock and Roll Christmas" by Gary Glitter. (Thankfully, no one else was around to see that dancing disaster. Yikes.)

Looking back on that initial stretch of time when I first moved here and everything had shut down, I see now how much I found myself on these trails. I mulled over big life questions, confronted a few long dormant demons, and finally got to know myself in a deep and meaningful way. 

I left East Rock Park this afternoon basking in the glow of my own gratitude.

Sadly, my blissful Thanksgiving Day happiness bubble was brutally punctured within hours.

You see, the moment I got home and sat down on my couch with a small bag of popcorn, I felt a tiny paw reach up on my thigh... and I realized something: 

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It doesn't matter how many triumphs and breakthroughs (personal or professional) I experience, this fuzzy gremlin will not care. To Pumpkin, I am merely a vessel for popcorn. Nothing more. Nothing less.

And that will never, ever change.🙁 

🦃 A very special episode of Content Lab has dropped just in time for Thanksgiving Day (1-minute read + podcast)

Pandemic weirdness aside, IMPACT Revenue and Features Editor John Becker and I realized we still had a lot we were grateful for. So, in this week's holiday episode, John and I gathered 'round our virtual turkey day table to talk about what we're so thankful for this year. Also, if you'd like to know what Millard Fillmore, Rasputin, Keanu Reeves, and Genghis Khan all have in common (really)... you'll need to listen to this wild, hilarious, and heartwarming episode

🦃 Related gobbles:

🦃 This Thanksgiving, here are the 5 video trends and lessons you can't ignore for the holiday season (4-minute read)

Thanksgiving and Black Friday are great times to connect with your audience over shared experiences, but they are also great times to market and promote your product or service through festive ads and campaigns. Video is one of the best ways to grab your audience's attention because of the combination of sound and movement. But what does great video marketing during the holidays look like? From IMPACT Video Editor Megan Lang, here are a few critical holiday season video trends we're seeing from big brands that you can try.

🦃 Related gobbles:

🦃 23 eye-opening inclusive marketing statistics that prove its power for 2021 (4-minute read)

"I am a fierce advocate for diversity in marketing and representation in media. As a young, Indo-Caribbean woman born to immigrants, I've rarely seen people like me in the media I encounter — but I'm also a keen business woman. My advocacy is not just about my own experience as a consumer." Learn more from IMPACT Managing Editor Ramona Sukhraj in this inspiring article featuring countless compelling statistics on the business case for diversity and inclusion in your marketing.

🦃 Related gobbles:

🦃 Virtual events calendar

Stay up-to-date with our virtual events in 2021 by signing up today for our event updates! But for now, here's what we've got... 

🦃 Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye for those who work in non-profits:

🦃 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


See you on the other side of my corn pudding!

Liz "Popcorn Giver" Moorehead

Turkey Director


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