THE LATEST: The worst business book I've ever read - EMEL


Thursday, April 15, 2021

THE LATEST: The worst business book I've ever read

I've read a lot of great business books lately. And it feels like the moment I finish one, I have three other recommended books waiting in the wings. 

But not every one is a gem. In fact, I just finished one that was hands down the worst business book I've ever read

I was so frustrated by how much time I wasted on it I wanted to scream. I almost bailed two chapters in but decided to stick it out - big mistake.

After I finished rage-typing my thoughts on the book, I thought it over while driving to get some therapeutic gelato and tried to separate the framework presented from the book from the stories and examples to see if I could extract something useful. 

I was able to pull out a few nuggets, but more than anything was left wondering how many more books on my to-read list would also be total duds. How was I going to avoid wasting even more time on another lackluster heap of words from a self-proclaimed business guru? 

I realized all I needed was more input on my list of books left to tackle. Just one person recommending a book wasn't enough to warrant my precious time and mental capacity. Then I remembered I have a great community of passionate professionals right at my fingertips -- and so do you. So I started this discussion.

Join my discussion on great and awful business books

And now, here's THE LATEST...

What is assignment prospecting? (2-minute read)

Is there a way to use content even earlier in the sales process to inform prospects and build trust from the start? You bet there is. IMPACT Editor-in-Chief Liz Moorehead is here to share this proven sales technique to write prospecting emails that get opened, establish trust, and prompt ideal buyers to take action

📚 Related reads and resources:

How much does Vidyard cost and is it worth it?
(4-minute read

As someone who single-handedly sent nearly 1,000 videos using Vidyard, it's safe to say I love it. I truly couldn't do my job without it. But with four tiers of pricing (plus a free version) for their video for marketing and sales platform, how can you determine if it's right for you and at what cost? In this article, IMPACT Video Trainer Lindsey Schmidt outlines what each Vidyard tier offers your business.

📚 Related reads and resources:

IMPACT+ community exclusives

Am I going to highlight my own discussion? You bet I am. The book readers and book clubs community doesn't get nearly enough love in IMPACT+ and it's time we change that. Share your thoughts here.

impact+ book readers discussion

On-Demand Pro Exclusive: Real world video examples from Video Sales & Marketing World

video in action vsmw2020

I rewatched this session from Video Sales & Marketing World this past December over the weekend and it's just. so. good. I had to share it again. Three marketers creating video out in the real world share their examples in this short, punchy session. 

Get inspired with these real world examples of video in action

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It's almost Friday...we're almost there. Before you wrap up the week, I want to challenge you to send at least one video to someone. Whether you're just getting started or are a seasoned pro, send one more video this week. Want a safe space? Hit reply and send it to me!

Stephanie Baiocchi

Director of Community & Events,

P.S. IMPACT+ includes a lot more than just courses and recordings. Our virtual peer groups are expert-led mastermind discussions to help you improve in your role. Claim your seat before they fill up!

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