How to Easily Create a Staging Site in WordPress (Beginner's Guide) - EMEL


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

How to Easily Create a Staging Site in WordPress (Beginner's Guide)

Have you ever wanted a way to test your website changes before making them live ... without too much hassle?

That's where a staging site comes in.

A WordPress staging site is a test site that you can use to "safely" make plugin updates and other changes before going live.

In the past, it used to be difficult ... but now it has become easier to setup, so even the non-techies can do it.

We created a step by step guide on how to easily create a staging site for WordPress (featuring 4 easy solutions that you can use today).

You will love this because it keeps updates from breaking your site :)

Three Helpful WPBeginner Tutorials

1. Want to boost engagement on your website? Here's how to add a Questions and Answers section and get a lot of user-generated content.

2. Want to improve your About Page? Here's a helpful guide on how to add a team directory with employee profiles.

3. Want to learn SEO? We are creating a SEO for Beginners series on our YouTube channel. Go ahead and check it out. 

I hope you found these tips helpful.

Let us know what specific SEO topics you'd like us to cover in the YouTube comments or by simply replying to this email :)

Talk soon,

Syed Balkhi
Founder of WPBeginner

P.S. WPBeginner is now on Instagram. Please follow us on Instagram and help us spread the word :)
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