[THE LATEST] 30 Lessons at Age 30, The Green-Haired Oprah of LinkedIn, & The Skills of a Rockstar Content Manager - EMEL


Tuesday, April 30, 2019

[THE LATEST] 30 Lessons at Age 30, The Green-Haired Oprah of LinkedIn, & The Skills of a Rockstar Content Manager

30 Lessons at Age 30, The Green-Haired Oprah of LinkedIn, & The Skills of a Rockstar Content Manager...This Is THE LATEST!

It's almost official.

As of 1:18pm ET, my twenties will be behind me and I'll officially be a wise and mature 30-year-old -- who also overslept her alarm for the first time ever yesterday (and by one hour and 15 minutes at that). 


What a way to close out a decade, am I right?

I know it sounds mundane, but this was actually a very comforting experience for someone like me, who doesn't take aging lightly. 

It reminded me that while it may start to seem, as we get older, that we've seen or done it all, there are always more firsts to come. More mistakes to be made. More fun to be had. And, of course, more lessons to be learned.

While 30 is understandably a mental hurdle, I would never trade it for being 20 again and I especially would never trade all of the knowledge I've gained along the way. 

🎂  At the Nexus of Life & Marketing, Here Are 30 Lessons About Both I Learned Before Turning 30

As much as I want to think that being an amazing marketer means being an elusive, majestic unicorn sitting on top of a rainbow mountain, I genuinely believe a lot of it comes back to good ol' common senseOver the years, I've learned several life lessons that have come in handy in my life as a marketer as well.

🎥  Content & Video Lessons from "The Oprah of LinkedIn," Goldie Chan [Video]

With more than 45,000 followers on and over 3 million views on her daily videos in under a year, Goldie Chan is undoubtedly one of the most successful pioneers of the "Wild West" that is LinkedIn Video. In the latest episode of The Inbound Success Podcast, our VP of Marketing, Kathleen Booth, chats with Goldie to learn how she's gotten where she is today and the advice she has for marketers looking to venture into LinkedIn Video.

💪  This Is the One Skill Every Single Content Marketing Manager Should Have

We talk a lot about the hard skills that a great content manager must have to be successful, but what about the soft skills? What about the intangibles that can't be seen or really gauged? Our very own, Director of Web & Interactive Content and THE LATEST contributor Liz Murphy dives into what she believes is the very top skill that you should have if you want to be a rockstar content manager. (It may surprise you.)

🚨 Save Your Seat

Officially thirty, wordy, & thriving!

Ramona Sukhraj

Head of Editorial Content


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