[THE LATEST] 🔮 Is your marketing still relevant for 2020, 5 best marketing books you might have missed in 2019, and our top 19 marketing articles and trends from 2019 - EMEL


Tuesday, December 31, 2019

[THE LATEST] 🔮 Is your marketing still relevant for 2020, 5 best marketing books you might have missed in 2019, and our top 19 marketing articles and trends from 2019

Is your marketing still relevant for 2020, 5 best marketing books you might have missed in 2019, and our top 19 marketing articles and trends from 2019 ...this is THE LATEST!

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If you had told me at the start of this year what my life would be like right now, I wouldn't have believed you.

At the time, my life seemed perfect.

Perfect job. Perfect doting husband. A perfectly enviable and undeniably cool side hustle as the beer writer for the Capital Gazette, a local newspaper. Happily hunting for the perfect house in the perfect little bay-side town of Annapolis, Maryland. Two perfect dogs. A perfect cat. A perfectly quirky orange car. A perfect dive bar around the corner. A perfect set of friends.

Perfect, perfect, perfect.

On paper, I had everything I ever wanted. Now, here I am, on the doorstep of a new year and a new decade, with an entirely different life ahead of me. 


Don't you worry, I'll still be here at IMPACT creating content and leading our immeasurably talented content team. But this is my last New Year's Eve as a Maryland resident. In less than two months, I will be packing up my (new, now black) Jeep and a U-Haul for a new chapter of my life as a Connecticut resident.

And I will be doing so with Pumpkin as my only companion. 

To pull back the curtain, the past 18 months have been some of the most difficult and emotionally challenging times I have ever been through — including losing dear friends in the blink of an eye to mindless, tragic violence

During this time in my life, I've been angrier than I ever thought possible. There have also been moments where I've felt my chest open up into a seemingly endless, empty void of sadness, of which I did not realize I was capable. 

But the highs born out of these moments are indescribable. 

Personally, I feel as if I finally know who I am, what I want, and how I want to approach the world around me. Whereas before I often held my tongue to keep the peace, I now use my voice to stand up for myself, what I believe in, and what I value in this world. I also made time for the people who mattered, showed up, and pushed me to continue on this journey through uncharted territory of who I am now and who I will become.

Professionally, finding my work family at IMPACT has been one of my greatest blessings. I don't know how I got so lucky to have ended up here. I've also found a home on stages as a speaker at INBOUND, IMPACT Live, and (next year as a keynote) Digital Sales & Marketing World, where I'm able to empower others to be unforgettable, breakthrough thought leaders through their words and stories.

I don't know what this next year will hold for me. 

If the difference between me on January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2019, is any indication, absolutely anything is possible.

And the same is true for you. Go fearlessly into 2020. Take risks. Make bold choices. Know that, sometimes, you'll only know you're doing the right thing because you're scared — in business and at home.

Accept and embrace that sometimes the people you start with aren't the people you grow with — and that's OK. That's how you let new people in.

No one ever wins by playing it safe. So, let's go find out together what's possible.

👉 Looking ahead to 2020 — which is TOMORROW — how relevant is your marketing still? (3-minute read)

What's working? What's not? What are the newest digital sales and marketing trends? What are the tried and true principles that never go out of style? These are the questions all of us — digital marketers, business leaders, and sales pros alike — should be asking ourselves going into the new year. To jumpstart your thinking, here is a short, but impactful interview with IMPACT partner, author, and speaker Marcus Sheridan about what all businesses should be doing in 2020, what they should stop doing in 2020, and his favorite tips for staying relevant with marketing in the new decade.

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 Here are the 5 best marketing books from 2019 that you may have missed (8-minute read)

I'm not a huge fan of articles that list 5,374 books I need to read going into a new year. Why? Because there is no chance in h-e-double-hockey-sticks that I'm going to read even a handful of them, let alone all of them. My nightstand is already buckling under the weight of books from last year that I haven't even touched yet. Which is why I curated this short list of the five most impactful digital marketing books that came out in 2019 that you may have missed — because you don't need to read a library's worth of books to get ahead in 2020

💬 You asked, we answered

👉 Here are the top content marketing trends and our 19 highest-performing digital marketing articles from the year (5-minute read)

I don't know about ya'll, but I feel like we were greeting 2019 with open arms and champagne only yesterday. Yet, here we are... getting ready to welcome not just another new year, but a new decade. This year, in particular, has been a big one for IMPACT as we celebrated our 10 year anniversary. But it's also been one of our biggest and best years for content. In this insightful wrap-up from IMPACT Head of Editorial Ramona Sukhraj, learn our most important lessons from creating content in 2019 and take a look back at our 19 highest-performing articles from the year.

💬 You asked, we answered

🏆 Get on the path to inbound success fast, without the long-term commitment (learn more)

You're looking for an inbound marketing agency to help bring your business to another level. All too often, however, the sales process goes too fast. And it doesn't take long for you to realize your agency partner never made enough time to get to know your business or its true challenges in the first place, so as to help you achieve your most aggressive growth goals with inbound marketing.

Don't get stuck in a long-term contract and then find out what your business really needs to be successful with inbound in the long-run. With IMPACT's Fast Start Program, you can get your inbound marketing on the right path fast, while truly getting to know us as your agency partner, risk-free.

⏰ Looking back on 2019

I'm going to use this spot to be completely self-serving. This year, I wrote a record 55 articles for IMPACT — and I'm excluding the publication of the Content Lab podcast. While I'd love to pretend they're like children and I love them all equally, there are five articles I consider to be my absolute favorite. 

Here they are, in no particular order:

Talk to y'all next year! 

Liz Moorehead

Director of Web and Interactive Content


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