[THE LATEST] The cheesecake heard 'round the world 🍰 - EMEL


Saturday, November 28, 2020

[THE LATEST] The cheesecake heard 'round the world 🍰

6 most costly YouTube SEO mistakes, 5 reasons why you're not hitting your sales goals, and why your last virtual sales training was a total flop ...this is THE LATEST!

🗞️ Extra, extra! Read all about it!

😮 Right now you can get tickets to our final virtual event of 2020, a two-day video spectacular called Video Sales & Marketing World. Get your tickets for just $45 using the code STOVETOP!

Mistakes happen, no matter how hard you plan or try to avoid them. And they often pop up when you least expect them.

For example, back in my early 20s, there was this guy I was dating who I really wanted to impress. (He looked like Logan from Veronica Mars; we were meant to be together, obviously.)

So, one night I decided to make his favorite dessert — cheesecake. 


I had worked so hard on it. So, I knew that after that first bite, he'd say, "Liz, run away to Switzerland with me, and we'll watch as much West Wing and Star Wars as you want."

It was going to be perfect. 

Or it was... until I realized I somehow mixed up the sugar and the salt. 

Needless to say, he did not offer to take me to Switzerland to watch Aaron Sorkin TV shows and Han Solo being hot in space. Or, maybe he did, and I just couldn't hear it through his initial choking. Who knows. 

The first 30 seconds of that moment were absolutely horrifying. I wanted to sink into the floor and become one with the linoleum tiles. I wanted to expire immediately into vapor and be carried off into the wind. I wanted anything except to be the dink who made the inedible salt cake that sat between us. 

After a brief period of baffled coughing and silence, he started laughing. Then I started laughing. And then neither of us could stop.

Through my tears, I fessed up to what I had clearly done. I told him I was trying to "make an impression," to which he replied, "Well, I certainly won't forget this anytime soon." 

After we laid my culinary failure to rest with an unceremonious dump in the garbage, we ordered pizza and tiramisu from an Italian place down the street. And we still ended up having a really great night falling asleep watching Kill Bill on the couch. 

Like I said, mistakes happen. No matter how much you try to avoid them, you'll make them. Not just once, not just twice... many, many times. Maybe with your virtual sales training, maybe with your YouTube SEO, or maybe with a wayward dessert you thought would paint you as a romantic goddess.

It doesn't matter what it is, all you can do is welcome them with open arms. 

You'll either end up with an amazing story or an amazing lesson... or both. And, honestly, neither are that bad. 

👉 Here are the 6 most common ways brands completely tank their YouTube SEO strategy (7-minute read + video)

So, you're looking at your business YouTube channel and it seems as though something isn't really catching on. You know your content is valuable, but nobody seems to find it. Or, maybe some videos on your channel seem to do well, while others are a complete flop."What am I doing wrong?" you're thinking to yourself. Well as it turns out, many of the mistakes you might be making are pretty common. In this article and video from IMPACT video all-stars Zach Basner and Alex Winter, discover the six most common YouTube SEO mistakes you may be making and exactly how to fix them.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 Many sales pros are missing their goals, and here are the 5 reasons why that's likely happening (11-minute read + video)

You're a lean, mean, deal-closing machine. Or... at least you used to be. Now, it seems as if your job has gotten harder, with new hurdles and roadblocks getting in your way of hitting your numbers every day. Why? What are the most common reasons why sales pros like you aren't hitting their goals? Well, buckle in. I may be a marketer, but I'm here to help. So, in this in-depth, tactics-packed article and video from yours truly, get the inside scoop on the five ways sales teams are leaving money on the table and how to get back on track with hitting your revenue targets.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 If you've tried virtual sales training and it didn't work, here are the 6 most common reasons why it flopped (5-minute read)

During the past months, many organizations sought to get ahead of the pandemic by investing in sales training. After all, if your sales team could keep bringing in revenue, you could stay afloat. But in too many cases, that training was sub-par, and it didn't have the effect business leaders were hoping for. Does this sound familiar to you? Did you invest in virtual sales training, only to find that your sales team was not fully receptive and that no improvement materialized? Well, in this no-holds-barred article from IMPACT partner and They Ask, You Answer author Marcus Sheridan, uncover the six reasons why your virtual sales training didn't deliver the results you were looking for.

📚 Related reads and resources:

🗓️ Virtual events calendar

Stay up-to-date with our virtual events in 2021 by signing up today for our event updates! But for now, here's what we've got... 

🌶️ Hot topics in Elite

IMPACT Elite is our exclusive Facebook group for the brightest minds in digital sales and marketing. Here's a recent discussion that caught my eye for those who work in non-profits:

🦃 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...

Screen Shot 2020-11-28 at 12.36.20 PM

Replay footage of me on the way home from Thanksgiving with my leftovers. Don't you judge me.

Liz "Mrs. Logan Echolls" Moorehead

Director of Cheesecake Defamation


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