[THE LATEST] 46 rockstar landing page examples, how much inbound marketing really costs in 2021, and what the heck are HubSpot custom objects - EMEL


Saturday, February 27, 2021

[THE LATEST] 46 rockstar landing page examples, how much inbound marketing really costs in 2021, and what the heck are HubSpot custom objects

46 rockstar landing page examples, how much inbound marketing really costs in 2021, and what the heck are HubSpot custom objects ...this is THE LATEST!

👀 Extra, extra! Read all about it!

🔥 Have you seen the new expanded agenda for the Website Optimization Summit on March 23? Check it out and then get your ticket to this can't-miss virtual event for only $49 with my exclusive promo code OMGITSLIZ

Part of me knows that I should not have taken such a literal approach to the word "universal"... and that I owe my dear friend, Alex Winter, a very big apology.

Website Optimization Summit from IMPACT, March 23, 2021

Another part of me, however... is not sorry. Not even a little bit. 😈

See you on March 23?

👉 In 2021, how much does inbound marketing really cost to do the right way? (11-minute read)

Inbound marketing is like an office space, employees, or even a loan. It's an investment in your business' future. Adopting it into your organization has its price tag, no doubt, but like any smart investment, it ends up paying for itself in not only ROI, but competitive advantage as well. And IMPACT Associate Director of Content Ramona Sukhraj is here with a full rundown of how much inbound marketing costs to do the right way in 2021.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 What are HubSpot custom objects, and why should you care? (4-minute read)

HubSpot custom objects are a way to represent a relationship that your organization has with something that isn't one of HubSpot's standard objects (eg. contacts, companies, deals, tickets). You can use custom objects to configure HubSpot's CRM to more closely reflect your specific business processes. But in this must-read article from IMPACT HubSpot Trainer Carina Duffy, you'll learn that's just the beginning when it comes to HubSpot custom objects.

📚 Related reads and resources:

👉 46 of the very best business landing pages you'll definitely want to copy ASAP (13-minute read)

A landing page is no ordinary website terrain. Like an alien discovering a new planet, a prospect "lands" there, giving you the opportunity to make them an offer, gather their information, and "make contact." It's exciting — at least it is to us marketing nerds. Which is why IMPACT Associate Director of Content Ramona Sukhraj is back again with this totally inspiring, examples-packed list of our absolute favorite business landing pages, from all industries.

📚 Related reads and resources:

📆 Upcoming events you can't miss

😮 What's the hot IMPACT+ gossip?

IMPACT+ not only has the on-demand training you need to be successful, it also has a supportive community ready to help you achieve your goals. And here's what we're talking about right now:

🏃 IMPACTers on the move

Catch IMPACT Director of Community and Events Stephanie Baiocchi on March 4 if you want the inside scoop on the marketing event landscape in 2021:

ETL FB Banner (2)

📄 Weeklong nonsense

With everything going on in the world, you now get nonsense in every single issue of THE LATEST...


I'm absolutely ashamed of myself for laughing as long and as hard as I did at this, but here we are. Who have I become?

Liz "I don't speak business pigeon" Moorehead



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